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Lent/Easter Worship Services 


Ash Wednesday Services:

  12:15-12:45 pm

   6:30-7:15 pm


Sundays - Worship 10:30 amSundays 10:30 am


Prayer Vigil Soul Workout - TBA


Maundy Thurs Service  6:30 pm


​Good Fri Service  6:30 pm



Early Easter Outdoor Worship Service - 8:30 am

(inside if bad weather) 


Easter Brunch 9:15 am


Easter Worship Service - 10:30 am


Belle Fourche Global Methodist Church

1804 7th Avenue - Belle Fourche SD 57717


Belle Fourche GMC Welcomes All!


WORSHIP - Sundays at 10:30 am

Together we bring God's love to life.


Sharing the good news that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.



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